Die Alien Anthology ist ein Zusatzbuch zu dem Star Wars Rollenspiel, welches von Wizards of the Coast veröffentlicht wurde. Es wurde von Steve Miller und Owen K.C. Stevens geschrieben und 2001 veröffentlicht.
Inhaltsangabe des Verlags[]
Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?
Hundreds of thousands of star systems span the vastness of space, ans a million million species inhabit the world of those systems. Every soldier who has survived a tour of duty in some out-of-the-way place and every smuggler who has hidden her ship on some strange world bumps into the local fauna sooner or later. Most of them wished they had the information this books contains.
Spezies und Völker
- Aqualish
- Arcona
- Arkanianer
- Barabel
- Baragwin
- Bimm
- Bith
- Chadra-Fan
- Chagrianer
- Chev
- Chevin
- Chiss
- Dashade
- Devaronianer
- Drall
- Dug (Indirekt)
- Duros
- Elom
- Elomin
- Falleen
- Farghul
- Frozianer
- Gand
- Gotal
- Gran
- Herglic
- Hutt (Indirekt)
- Hoojib
- Iktotchi
- Kel'Dor
- Kitonaker
- Klatooinianer
- Kubaz
- Lahsbee
- Mantellianischer Savrip
- Morseerianer
- Mrlssi
- Omwati
- Ortolaner
- Quarren
- Quermianer
- Rybeter
- Sakiyaner
- Selonianer
- Shistavanen
- Skrilling
- Sluissi
- Sneevel
- Snivvian
- Spiner
- Squib
- Ssi-ruuk
- Talz
- Toong
- Toydarianer
- Twi'lek (Indirekt)
- Ubese
- Ugnaught
- Verpine
- Vuvrianer
- Woostoiden
- Xexto
- Yevethaner
- Yinchorri
- Yuuzhan Vong (Indirekt)
- Zabrak
- Bantha
- Beldon
- Bonegnawer
- Bordok
- Cliffborer Worm
- Corellianischer Sandpanther
- Coruscani Ogre
- Divto
- Drachenschlange
- Gundark
- Hanadak
- Ice Scrabbler
- Katarn
- Kirithin
- K'lor-Schnecke
- Knobby Spider
- Kowakianischer Echsenaffe
- Krakana
- Mantessan Panthac
- Nashtah
- Nek Kampfhund
- Nerf
- Pierceskimmer
- Rolk-Mangir
- Sand Tick
- Slashrat
- Slivilith
- Exogorth
- Energiespinne
- Thranta
- Velker
- Vornskr
- Woolly Veermok
- Womp-Ratte
- Worrt
- Ycaqt
- Ysalamiri