
24. Januar 2014

Darth Maul – In Eisen

Das deutsche Cover

Del Rey hat per wikipedia:de:Facebook den letzten Miniauszug zu Darth Maul – In Eisen (Orginaltitel: Maul – Lockdown) veröffentlicht:

Slipher gazed at the rendering in fascinated silence. Numbers had always been his language of choice, data patterns his poetry, but what was happening here was equally captivating—the ray-tracing showed entire wings and cellblocks changing position, pulling themselves around, reformatting the very architecture of the prison itself.

“And here’s our new contender,” Sadiki said, pointing at the monitor in front of her.

Slipher looked at what had appeared on the other monitor. “That’s what 11240 is fighting?”

Sadiki nodded. “We’ve never matched it,” she said. “A couple of freelance bounty hunters brought it in from an abandoned spaceport in the Anoat system, along the Ison trade corridor.” She checked the screen. “We think it’s been used in previous illegal gladiatorial fights. It’s called—”

“I know what it is,” the Muun said. “That thing against the Zabrak?” the Muun blinked. “It hardly seems fair.”

“You haven’t seen 11240 in a fight.”

Maul – Lockdown wird auf Englisch am 28. Januar 2014 erscheinen.

